It's been a long night of hard work for the shore crew, but the beautiful wing sail for the BOR 90 is now aboard the Ocean Lady cargo ship, which will soon be bound for Valencia. The wing was the final piece of the puzzle as far as loading goes, and the ship is expected to depart early Tuesday afternoon, local time in San Diego.
Tim Kelley, the Vice President of R.E. Staite Engineering Inc. who have worked with the team shore crew on the loading operation told our man John von that the wing is probably 'the most unusual item we've picked up'. He said it's been a big challenge to handle the wing safely and required tight teamwork from the guys on the ship, the barge, the crane and the team shore crew. So today a hearty congratulations goes out to all involved - well done guys. Now go get some sleep!
(The wing gets lifted by a crane on a barge for transport
to the Ocean Lady - Bob Grieser)
(And being loaded on the Ocean Lady)